Publicaciones :
Shifting the focus toward rare variants in schizophrenia to close the gap from genotype to phe AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART B-NEUROPSYCHIATRIC GENETICS 2017
Relation Between BDNF Serum Levels and MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery Performance in Patients with Schizophrenia,BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 2014
BDNF and schizophrenia: From neurodevelopment to neuronal plasticity, learning, and memory,FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRYBDNF
Plasma Levels of Schizophrenic Patients Classified According to Their Cognitive Function in Comparison to Healthy Subjects,BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 2013
Prescripción de antipsicóticos atípicos en pacientes hospitalizados de la Clínica Psiquiátrica Universitaria,REVISTA CHILENA DE NEURO-PSIQUIATRIA 2008